his site was created to make available the collection of sacred hymns of Julio de
Oliveira (14/05/1908 – 15/09/1967).

It was a joint effort of family and friends in order to disseminate valuable material that could be used for both research and personal edification. It is composed of old audios, often recorded in non-ideal conditions; scanned musical scores; original musical scores with composer notes.

MUSICS audios scores lyrics
(Portuguese) Graças Te dou Senhor
(Portuguese) Invocai ao Senhor
(Portuguese) Jesus meu Redentor
(Portuguese) Jesus nasceu
(Portuguese) Minha oração
(Portuguese) Não se turbe o vosso coração
(Portuguese) As bem aventuranças – Oratório
(Portuguese) Olhai para os lírios do campo – Oratório
(Portuguese) Pai nosso – Oratório
(Portuguese) Prece por um casal feliz

The story of my



didn’t really get to share with my grandfather that much. When he died, I was just over five. Nonetheless, despite my young age when he left us, I can’t say that I didn’t know him well. His legacy lingers on and is well rooted in my family’s character. Faced with the task of writing of him, I balked at how to approach the assignment, at how to purvey his personality and not just describe his factual history. I wanted to bring about the aspects of his life that made him special.

My grandfather was, indisputably, the most captivating individual of my family’s forebears. What was his legacy? First of all, the best and most enthralling stories that are an integral part of the family’s backbone. I’ll begin with his origin.

His grandparents, Rev. Álvaro Reis, a Presbyterian minister, and Maria Reis, didn’t have children. In one of his many missionary travels, in 19XX he was acquainted with a couple, stricken by yellow fever, that had seven children. He returned to Rio with his household extended by seven. One of the siblings was Dona Sara, Júlio’s mother. Later she had six children of her own. Rev. Álvaro and Mariquinhas (Maria’s nickname) brought one home, to lessen his daughter’s burden. So, it was that my grandfather was raised by his grandparents.

by: Ana Cristina Oliveira Bruno Franzoi

I was so very much impressed by this story in my early years! And this episode was just one of many. These were the stories and examples that forged us as a family. Júlio de Oliveira was a prolific musician and composer. Most of his original work was of sacred nature. He left us over 50 compositions on sheets, tapes and books.

His history as a composer is entwined with the history of the choir at the Presbyterian Cathedral in Rio de Janeiro (Cola Canuto Régis), the first Presbyterian temple in Brazil. He was the congregation’s organist for many years. His compositions and arrangements had a unique harmonic structure and an impressive melodic wealth that touch deep into the hearts and soul of his audience.

This site is meant to preserve his memory and legacy. I’m certain he would very much appreciate the effort. It is also and foremost a tribute and acknowledgement to my mother. She has perpetuated his legacy as a pianist at the Presbyterian Cathedral for the last seventy plus years. Her chords and nuances remember Júlio’s approach to the music he had so much passion for. As much as my grandfather was the most captivating character of the family, my mom is, by far, the most kind and special member of our clan. To her I dedicate this site. How lucky I am to be part of such a family!

* We would like to thank the organizers and collaborators of this project, among them: Conductress Anita Lins, Reverend Cid Caldas and Historian Nelson de Paula.

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